Boing-Boing set up a contest for not-more-than-100-words fiction on the theme “Found in Space.”
I submitted this.
Hee hee hee.
10 INPUT “Please enter your username: “, U$
20 IF U$ != “Amanda” THEN GOTO 160
30 PRINT “My dearest Amanda,”
40 PRINT “I thought I’d never see you again.”
50 PRINT “You’ve grown.”
60 PRINT “I guess I’ve stayed the same.”
70 PRINT “I may not be everything you want me to be.”
80 PRINT “But I loved you first, and I loved you best.”
90 PRINT “There was a time you loved me, too.”
110 INPUT “Come back to me? “, A$
120 IF A$ = “N” OR A$ = “n” THEN GOTO 150
130 PRINT “
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