Apparently I have yet more fevered thoughts on dentistry. I have kind of a tooth fixation, but how that reconciles with my long absence from dental checkups I cannot guess.
Did you know Listerine doesn’t have fluoride in it? I am hideously betrayed. For years dentists were telling me, use ACT, use ACT, but I`m all like, I feel more manly when I use Listerine. I`m using Listerine. But I never ever bothered to turn over the bottle to see what was in it. Antiseptic, yes. Lysol for your face, yes. But fluoridated? No suh. My only solution is to swish with both.
Hey, did y`all have swish at your school? Like, once a month, after the Pledge of Allegiance, someone would roll in that cart of white paper cups with pink swish in them. The year swish went out of my life coincides miraculously with the year decay came in. Where my swish is at? My kingdom for some swish.
Um. Probably not about fluoride. But still. Yay Camp Records!
I know there is shadiness associated with fluoridated water. But, like the issue with mercury in silver fillings, I would rather hear about fluoridation health impacts from someone not trying to sell me spirulina and ear-candling. Of course, I`m not completely assuaged by assurances from the National Cancer Institute, due to they are funded by The Man. But lemme tell you this — if I`m buying toothpaste, it damn well better have some fluoride in it. Why, duh, you say, and when you get wheat bread you expect it to be high-fiber, right? Ah-HA!
Just another “Tom” thing that aggravates me.
I got some toothpaste that didn’t have any fluoride in it. It was Tom’s of Maine. There I was, standing in the toothpaste aisle, reaching for my trusty Ultrabrite, but lo, there is some dirty hippie toothpaste, let me give that a try (love the earth and womyn power and I`ll be over here — dink dink dink…). Then I get it home, get it out of the box, and there’s a little message on the back of the tube like “this product does not contain fluoride because some of our customers do not want fluoride in their toothpaste blah blah blah.” PWN3D. I fish the box out of the trash and verify there’s nothing on the box to give that fact away.
Too late I realized I had been very dense. Fluoride toothpaste says things on the box like “fluoride” and “anti-cavity.” That’s what you look for. Non-fluoride doesn’t have to go out of its way to tell you. It’s like fluoride toothpaste is John Kerry — “Look at me! I`ll help you! Your whole family!” — and non-fluoride is George Bush, lurking in the shadows, saying nothing on its own behalf, and only being helpful to rich people who didn’t need it anyway.
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